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Push Notifications: How They’re Used for Business Marketing

Think about your day. How many text messages do you receive in a day? Our brains process information without us. Some information makes it in, and some of it doesn’t. So, think about the messages your brain allows through the filter. What messages grab your attention?

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One MIT study from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research suggests that what catches our attention is the most likely to make it through this “brain filter.” It’s important in marketing to be part of what catches the eye of your target audience and make it past this filter we all have.

According to a Pew Research study, about 97% of Americans walk around daily with a mobile device, including smartphones, cell phones, and mobile devices. All of these are gateways to engaging with businesses and brands such as yours.

In a world full of these mobile devices, one quick way to get in front of your customers is with push notifications. But how do push notifications work? Can it make your marketing plan better, and is it right for your business?

Let’s dive into these questions and find some answers.

What’s a push notification?

Push notifications appear as a banner item on the top of the screen of a mobile device or the lock screen. Users opt-in to receive push notifications after they download an app. Users only send text messages to other mobile devices that support SMS messages. Similarly, users send push notifications only to other devices capable of downloading apps, such as smartphones.

If customers take the time and phone space to download your app, they are likely to want to engage your push notifications. The key is to walk the line between permission marketing and interruption marketing. Permission marketing is when customers opt in to receive your marketing messages tailored to them. Interruption marketing is when customers receive untargeted messages meant to catch their attention.

To implement push notifications effectively, continue to use best practices for customer communication, and you need to know how push notifications work. Let’s get into it.

How do push notifications work?

As the use of smartphones continues to increase, people of all ages are more familiar with downloading and using apps. Push notifications, as they sound, push messages to your customer’s screen.

App users determine whether they receive push notifications through the settings in their notification center. They may choose to turn off the banners, but they keep the app badge that lets them know you’re trying to talk to them. As long as they don’t turn them off, reaching app users in real-time is perfect.

How do push notifications help marketing plans?

A marketing plan is strategic advertising to accomplish various marketing goals like improving sales, broadening your reach, or increasing customer retention. Adding push notifications to your marketing plan helps you reach those goals easily in a way that grabs your app users’ attention.

There are many benefits of push notifications. Mobile push notifications help increase your app engagement, bring users to your website, and keep customers in the loop on reminders, updates, and deals. Like text messages, push notifications have high open rates in comparison with other strategies.

Helps increase app engagement

Your customers are interested in your business. They’re so interested that they downloaded your app, but what if that’s where it ended? That would be a waste. Push notifications help encourage them to use your app as intended.

No matter what purpose your app serves, push notifications direct your customers’ attention to app features you want them to use or other actions you want them to take.

Helps bring users to your website

For many businesses in the digital world, your website is more important than a physical store. Just like you increase the number of customers coming into your physical store, increasing the traffic on your website is essential. Increasing traffic to your website is a great promotional tactic. It boosts search engine optimization to bring in more potential customers.

Push notifications direct your customers directly to your app. They also encourage customers to visit your website to take actions like finalizing an order, obtaining more information, or browsing items. No matter why customers visit your website, push notifications bring them there and improve your website traffic.

Helps send reminders, updates, and deals

We all live busy lives full of constant information. Keeping up with appointments, events, and sales is hard for anyone. Push notifications help make sure customers never forget an appointment, update, or deal.

Like any good party, you don’t want to do all that planning and work just to have no one show up. Push notifications give the boost your customers need to remember your event. And they’ll be glad you helped them remember with your simple nudge.

Alert your app users to new opportunities. You also make it easier for them to opt into your other marketing features on other platforms like text campaigns, email, or social media.

Helps with remarketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns are an essential part of improving conversion rates. When you’ve already drawn customers in with your marketing campaign, you don’t want to lose their attention.

Push notification campaigns remarket to customers who previously visited your website or shown interest in your business. Increasing your engagement with customers increases clicks which increases your sales.

Should I use push notifications?

If you have an app for your business,  implement push notifications as part of your marketing plan. It’s a great way to engage customers who download your app and for increasing web traffic, in-store traffic, and interactions with your customers.

If you don’t have an app, you might want to consider using a text marketing campaign to get you started in the world of marketing to your customers on their phones.

Along with helping you send out mass texts to your customers, TextSanity can also be your push notification service.

How can TextSanity help me create push notifications?

If you want to add push notifications to your marketing plan, TextSanity helps make the process easier and more functional. Sending a push notification to your customers should be as easy for you and your team to do as it is for your customers to receive.

Thankfully, TextSanity knows how important promptly reaching out to your customers is to your success and specializes in connecting with your customers no matter where they are.

A Step-By-Step Guide to TextSanity Push Notifications

  1. Log in to your TextSanity account.
  2. Navigate to Account at the top of the page.
  3. Select Settings from the list.
  4. Scroll down to Notifications.
  5. Select the notifications you want to send to the numbers you have on file.


You want to make the most use of the app. Push notifications reach your app users on their smartphones or other mobile devices wherever they are.

Push notifications are a great addition to any marketing campaign. They can be a crucial part of remarketing to customers that have previously engaged with your website or showed interest in your products.

Managing push notifications engages and develops your relationship with your target audience. Push notifications are more manageable with TextSanity. TextSanity makes it easier to reach your customers in real-time.