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How to Use a Text Message Keyword Campaign for Instagram Advertising

Social media is an important advertising tool in our day and age. Many people use social media to keep up with friends, family, brands, and celebrities.

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Therefore, social media advertising, and specifically Instagram advertising, allows you to reach people where they already are. It’s essential to your business or brand!

Social Media Sites

The biggest social media sites as of this year, 2020, are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Reddit. There are 1 billion people on Facebook1 billion people on Instagram, and 330 million people on Twitter. With just those numbers alone, you can see how many people you can reach by taking advantage of social media advertising.

Plus, the cost of social media advertising, as opposed to print advertising, is extremely low. It’s a good investment with high ROI. The advertisements are typically cheap and the eyeballs of users plentiful. For example, Instagram advertisements are as low as $0.20 per click. Speaking of which, Instagram is a great place to start your social media advertising!

Text Message Keyword Campaigns vs URLs

There are two distinct ways you can advertise on Instagram. The first is through an Instagram ad. The second is in the comments section of a post. Obviously, there are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. But the most important thing to do is to use a text message keyword campaign as your call to action, rather than a URL.

Using keyword campaigns in your Instagram advertising can help encourage more engagement.

Often people who advertise on Instagram put a URL in the advertisement directing people to their website. However, unless that advertiser is actually using Instagram ads, the URL can’t be linked or copied by the very people they are trying to reach. So, potential customers are left with trying to type in the URL manually by looking at the URL or trying to copy/paste a specific amount of text. Both create barriers for potential customer conversions.

Plus, keyword campaigns capture a potential customer’s phone number which can be used to advertise to them later on using text marketing. And you can ask for additional information such as name, email, and birthday during the opt-in. This information can help you personalize future text marketing later on.

Text Message Keyword Campaigns

Keywords are easier to remember and to use. As long as the text message keyword campaigns are properly employed on Instagram, they work wonderfully. A simple example of a text message keyword campaign is “Text ROCCOS1 to 50505.” The keyword, as shown, needs to be as short and memorable as possible.

People don’t generally spend a lot of time reviewing an ad, so it’s your job to make it easy to digest. Provide simple, straightforward instructions as in the example above. If your keyword is memorable and simple enough, people will go ahead and text it.

In addition, the simplicity of the keyword is important in case people initially skip past the ad, can’t find it again, but want to text it. If they can remember the keyword, they can still text it. Text message keyword campaigns work for both paid Instagram advertising and in-post Instagram advertising.

Paid Instagram Advertising

With an actual Instagram advertisement, you have the ability to reach as many people as you are willing to pay to reach. You have the advantage of being able to select who you want the ad to target. And you have the ability to change who you want to reach at any time. By simply setting your advertising preferences, you’re on your way to reaching lots of potential customers.

Instagram advertising can help reach consumers wherever they are, even when they're at home on the couch.

When you are designing your Instagram ad, you need to remember to include the keyword campaign in the headline of the ad. Make sure that the headline is concise. You don’t get points for flowery language. In fact, using too many words can actually confuse your target audience. Simply stating your point is best.

Make the Keyword Campaign Your CTA

The keyword campaign in the headline is your call to action. In other words, it tells the potential customers what you want them to do. You want to make sure that your call to action isn’t buried in the text around it.

This is built around convenience for the customer. If you make their life easy, they will make yours money! As you can see, text message keyword campaigns are the best option for advertising on Instagram.

Keyword campaigns are one of the best ways to to provide greater convenience to customers via Instagram advertising.

In-Post Instagram Advertising

If you want to advertise on Instagram, but don’t have the means, putting an advertisement in the comments section of a post is a great way to direct traffic to your site without paying anything. Instagram accounts are free, so it won’t cost you to set one up. The important thing to remember is that Instagram is a highly visual social media platform.

You need to have quality images to share with followers. Consider looking at others on Instagram who you consider competition and see what they are posting. This may help you come up with ideas for images that are worth sharing.

Place the Keyword Campaign Above the Fold

Once you figure out what kind of quality images you want to share with followers, you can include your text message keyword campaign in the comments section of the post. You need to ensure to include the keyword above the fold. What this means is that you need to include the keyword campaign before the “see more” section where a customer has to click to see text.

Put the Customer First

This is built around convenience for the customer. If you make their life easy, they will make yours money! As you can see, text message keyword campaigns are the best option for advertising on Instagram.

It doesn’t matter if you’re using traditional Instagram ads or simply putting a call to action in the comments section of your post. Both are equally viable ways to use a text message keyword campaign for Instagram advertising.