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How to get Google Reviews using a Text Marketing Platform

Google Reviews are a go-to source for potential customers who are considering your company. Other online reviews have an impact, like Yelp, Trustpilot, or Capterra. However, your business profile on Google does so much more.

Google Reviews influence on businesses, large and small. Find out how to use text messages to ask customers for reviews.

How do Google Reviews help businesses?

Watch how your company profile ranks on review sites. Your ranking and individual reviews sway potential customers. Here are some of the ways Google Reviews helps your business.

Google Reviews build leads

When someone hears about your company or product, review sites are the first stop they make. Most people use Google to check out a business we’re interested in. When potential leads search for your company, Google Reviews help grow interest in your company. And can even build on what they already know about your company.

Google Reviews lead to conversion – a visit or sale. The higher you rank on Google in a search, the better it builds your leads.

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Reviews help SEO ranking

If you’re thinking about grabbing a hot beverage with a friend and you want to find a local coffee shop, you immediately search for coffee shops. You’ll probably even search Google for “coffee near me” or “coffee shops” to help you find what you’re looking for.

Potential customers do the same thing when looking for a business or service like yours. They’ll find a listing of businesses in their area with ratings, locations, photos, website links, and reviews.

If you’re at the top of the list, you’re more likely to be seen. Google Reviews convince potential leads to visit your location and try your goods and services.

Reviews are free advertising

Customers like to research a company before they commit to an initial purchase. Even if a customer has decided on your company, there’s a good chance they will still search for your company on Google.

Customers want to see you have a website, some good reviews, and a decent product. Reviews from previous customers are seen as reputable. They help sell your company to new customers.

Positive reviews lead to new customers

When researching a company you’re interested in, you inevitably search for the company on Google. To get a feel for how satisfied other customers are, most of us read the reviews.

Potential new customers do the same. Positive Google Reviews from other customers help lead potential customers to make their first purchase with you.

How can I get more Google Reviews?

Google Reviews help your business. Increasing your Google Reviews is simple. Here are a few basic tips on how to get more Google Reviews.

Understand Google’s rules

Your rating, the stars, by your company name in a Google search determine your ranking. Your ranking determines how recommended you appear to potential customers.

Encouraging customers to review your product and store on Google Reviews every time they make a purchase has a serious impact on your online presence.

Provide an excellent service or product

One of the most important parts of receiving positive reviews is having a quality product or service worthy of positive customer reviews.

Think about the kind of service or product that would make you want to leave a positive Google Review. What level of excellence do you expect? It’s the same level you need to present to customers. That level is the reputation you need your company to have.

Additionally, a bad review can do more harm on Google than other review sites or word of mouth on social media, especially for small businesses. However, positive reviews make potential customers more likely to try your local business.

Ask your customers for reviews

Past clients and customers have the potential to leave the best review for your business. Requesting a review from your customers shows them you value their feedback. Learn from customers while growing your presence when people search for products similar to yours.

Make it easy to leave a review

Most of us are busy. When a task requires multiple steps, it’s less desirable to complete. Customers are more likely to leave a review when you ask, if you make the process quick and easy for them.

Can I use TextSanity to grow my Google Reviews?

TextSanity helps encourage customers to leave positive reviews. With the right drip campaign, requesting reviews from customers through text is easy. Interacting with customers builds your relationship. And a better relationship leads to more positive reviews.

With TextSanity, you can automate your texts. Encourage customers to leave a review shortly after they make a purchase. Their experience will still be fresh in their mind. Just remember to respond quickly because customers appreciate a quick response on reviews. Within 24 hours is the typical expectation.

Build your text messages to customers with TextSanity quickly and easily. Include links for your customers to the web to leave a Google Review.

Unlike other ways you might request a review, text messages have a high open rate. This can lead to more reviews for your business.

With TextSanity, you can also receive messages. It might be advantageous to offer a discount to your loyal customers who leave a review. When your customer finishes, have them text a keyword offering them a discount for their review.

Also create tags for customers that have yet to review. This way you can send reminder text messages if they forget to review your product.


Google Reviews improve your prospects, grow your audience, and increase your customers and revenue. By encouraging your customers to leave reviews, you attract new customers.

One of the best ways to request a Google Review from your current customers is through text. With TextSanity, you can encourage your customers to leave your next positive Google Review.