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Text Messaging Reminders: Send Appointment and Event Reminders

Life moves at a swift pace. Remembering an appointment along with other details in life is challenging. Naturally, something slips through the cracks. And inevitably you miss an appointment.

We all do it. And worse, we feel stressed and frustrated when appointments get missed. If only there were a way to get a reminder before the appointment, then we might not forget them quite so frequently.

While a missed appointment is normal, it can be frustrating for business owners as well. Missed appointments are missed opportunities. Without any warning of a missed appointment, it’s difficult to fill the appointment time, costing time and money.

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Reminding clients of appointments reduces wasted appointment times and improves your business overall. What’s the best way to remind people of upcoming appointments?

Businesses rely on traditional mail, telephone calls, and emails to send out reminders. If the timing is off, recipients may completely forget about an appointment. A modern solution is text message reminders.

What is a text message reminder?

A text message reminder is an SMS text message that arrives before a scheduled event. It helps you remember the event, keep the appointment, or alert you to reschedule. Reminders help us stay on schedule. While we might not always see their value, they keep us from forgetting.

Text message reminders are an effective way of reminding clients of events and appointments. In the past, customers and businesses had to rely on memory, appointment reminder cards, phone calls, or email reminders to help recipients make appointments.

With high open rates, text messages are a great way to get reminders to customers and clients promptly, increasing the number of kept appointments.

Why should I use text message reminders?

Missed appointments and empty events wastes precious time and resources. Avoid wasting time and resources, as well as rescheduling hassles with a simple text message.

Text message reminders improve engagement with clients. Plus, reducing no-shows improves productivity and revenue.

In our fast-paced world, text messaging reaches people quickly, easily, and effectively. Text message reminders are perfect for your business.

How can I send text messaging reminders with TextSanity?

It’s easy to see the value of text messaging reminders. However, taking the time to send text messaging reminders for appointments and events may wear on your resources. Depending on the number of messages, it can be time consuming.

Thankfully, TextSanity makes sending reminders fast, easy, and successful. TextSanity automates your texts, helps you schedule messages in advance, and organizes your contacts.

Using TextSanity is as simple. Send texts from your computer or tablet. Here are the other ways TextSanity helps you send text messaging reminders.

Upload contact information to your contact database

For appointment-based businesses like salons and doctor’s offices, contact information is obtained. This helps set up the appointment. Name and phone number are some such information.

When the appointment is set, you can ask permission to send SMS text message reminders. With the recipient’s permission, communicating reminders, appointment confirmations, and receipts via SMS messages is simple.

Tag individual contacts

With TextSanity, create tags and add them to individuals or a group of contacts.

When your client wants text message reminders for appointments or events, add that tag to their contact details. They’ll never miss a reminder text from you again.

You can even customize customer’s experiences. Add as many or as few tags to create a customized text message reminder experience.

Schedule broadcasts to customers

Events take planning. There’s nothing worse than an empty event after months of hard work. With TextSanity, scheduling text messages in advance saves your event from failure. Periodically remind customers of your upcoming event while stirring excitement at the same time.

Broadcast parking details, venue location, directions, and any other details customers need. With TextSanity, you reach all of your customers at once. No customer is left out of the loop. Reminders increase attendance and participation. So, why not send them?


Keeping up with appointments and events is not always as easy as it sounds. Even the most organized people miss an appointment here and there. Text messaging reminders for appointments and events improve engagement, attendance, and productivity.

Missed appointments are a pain. Text reminders arrive right on time. They reduce no-shows. They make it easier for clients and customers to communicate effectively. Help clients remember appointments and events with text messaging reminders.