Opt-in to text message marketing list online
Page updated 10/19/2022
A text message marketing list is the best way for any self-respecting marketer to keep track of their target audience. Research shows that 98% of all texts received are opened, and 95% of those are responded to within 3 minutes. And when you add that 75% of customers prefer to communicate with a business via text message, you know that text marketing is the way to go.
Ways for customers to opt-in to your text marketing list
With an opted-in text marketing list, you can reach an audience that wants you to reach them. Gone are the days when you had to work hard to find your target audience. Today, with only a few clicks, it’s easily done.

There are two ways you can get people to opt-in to your text marketing list with TextSanity. Through keyword campaigns and webforms. Webforms, however, is the only exclusively online way to opt people in.
Opt-in customers online through webforms
A great way to get people to opt-in to your contact database is through a TextSanity webform. With TextSanity, you can easily design a webform that fits your marketing goals. When complete, you can place your webform various places online such as on your social media, a link in one of your blog posts, or even link from your main website.
Here’s an example of an active webform (for a fake business).
Webforms make opt-ins easy. Simply direct traffic to your webform’s custom URL, your target audience opts themselves in, and you start mass text messaging them immediately. There has never been an easier, all online, way to opt-in your target audience than with TextSanity’s webforms.

Opt-in customers using keyword campaigns
Additionally, TextSanity offers keyword campaigns as a partially online way to opt-in your target audience to your text message marketing list. A keyword campaign is designed to get your target audience to engage with you via text message. You may have seen these around town where you live; marketers invite people to engage by texting a certain keyword to a phone number.
For example, Text ROCCOS1 to 505-465-8101. Try it right now on your phone. (It won’t actually sign you up for offers, but it will give you a good feel for how the process works.)

When the keyword campaign is engaged by someone texting the keyword, an automated text message process begins which gathers information from the consumer and returns to them various things like images, URL links, map directions, or other information likely guiding them to make a purchase. Each person that engages with a campaign is added to your text marketing list, however, the contacts that choose to opt-in can be mass text messaged.
Navigating your text marketing list with TextSanity
Your TextSanity account comes with a fully functional text marketing list, or contact database, centralized around sending mass text messages. Your marketing efforts are streamlined with your contact database which you can download your contacts information from and automatically collect information from individuals who participate in keyword campaigns.
Using tags to search your text marketing list
Using the search and filters features on the contacts page in TextSanity can help organize your text marketing list. With search, your contact database can be delineated by contacts name, email, or phone number. Filters can be set using tags which you create.
Opt-in icon on your text marketing list
An important feature of your text marketing list with TextSanity is a green, yellow, or red person icon next to each contact. This is how you can tell whether someone is opted-in (green), not yet opted-in (yellow), or opted-out (red).
How to get started
TextSanity is the perfect solution for getting people to opt-in to your text marketing list online with our webforms. Our low-cost operational and collaborative CRM won’t break the bank. Our site is easy-to-use, simple, and straightforward.
You can use any one of our unique tools to get people to opt-in to your text marketing list. And when you need assistance, our text and video tutorials along with our site customer service is always there to help you with any questions you may have. So, if you’ve been searching for a CRM that can help you opt-in people online to your text marketing list, opt for the best with TextSanity.