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Text Newsletters: Start a Text Message Newsletter Campaign

Newsletters keep companies in contact with their customers. This form of communication is unique because it conveys information about various topics. Newsletter subjects range from the company updates to industry-wide news.

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Sending your latest newsletter via SMS keeps your company at the forefront of customers’ minds. Likewise, it helps you connect with them and present the latest happenings. 

What Is a Text Message Newsletter? 

A text message newsletter is either a brief text message with quick news snippets or a text message with a link to a landing page on the web. That landing page may include links to your eCommerce site or social media pages or even online industry forums.

In all cases, newsletters create opportunities for communication and engagement between your business and your customers. These opportunities are ideal moments for plugging products, making new sales, up-sells, and even cross-sells. 

What Are the Benefits of Text Message Newsletters?

Text message newsletters provide your team with several benefits. 

Some of those benefits include integrating business texting with your other marketing channels or creating visibility for the newsletter itself. It also encourages higher engagement with the newsletter and your SMS business text messages.

Integrating With Other Marketing Channels

The best marketing strategy doesn’t focus on just one marketing medium or channel but all of them. While it’s true that some marketing channels perform statistically better than others, the under-performers are still essential.

For example, before the widespread availability of mobile data or the internet, print, television, and radio advertising were the go-to resources for most companies. However, times change. Now, text message marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing reign supreme. 

Integrating text newsletters with other forms of marketing is key to your success.

When you send your newsletter via your SMS business texting platform, such as TextSanity, you can tag your other marketing channels in it. That means the newsletter redirects to your digital touch points or email signups. 

Increasing the Visibility of Your Newsletter

The sole purpose of your newsletter is not just to provide an avenue for conversation or engagement but also to present relevant information that your customers want and need. Therefore, your objective also involves creating visibility for your newsletter.

Newsletters involve your customers in the day-to-day happenings of your business. They also let you showcase your accomplishments, ambitions, and goals. Likewise, your newsletter lets you recognize people within your company who go above and beyond for your company’s mission. 

SMS business text messages allow you to send your newsletter to your entire contact list with just a few buttons. What’s more, since mobile phone users check their text messages within two minutes of receiving them on average, it is likely your newsletter will get the exposure you want. 

Text message is a great way to increase the visibility of your existing newsletter.

Higher Engagement With Your Newsletter

Engagement is important in marketing, and the same is true of your newsletter. 

In fact, the number one goal of SMS business texting is engagement. Engaged customers make more purchases and remain loyal to your brand

Tips for Expanding Your Newsletter’s Audience

What’s the point in creating a newsletter if no one sees or reads it? Here are some text marketing tools to use to expand your newsletter’s audience and get maximum exposure:

  • Text message keyword campaigns
  • Text marketing webforms
  • Mass text messaging
  • TextSanity’s WordPress integration

Text Message Keyword Campaigns

Text message keyword campaigns are the foundation of SMS business texting. Since you compile customer data as you build your contact list, you may also choose to attach your newsletter to your keyword campaigns and reach a large audience that will only grow as time goes on. 

Using text message keyword campaigns to garner sign ups for your text newsletters is invaluable.

Text Marketing Webforms

Text marketing webforms are an initial way to gather opt-in’s and other data and information about your customers and gauge interest in your newsletter. 

Mass Text Messaging

Mass text messaging lets you send one message to all of your contacts without individually selecting each customer. To build exposure for your newsletter, send a mass text message that reminds them of the option to sign up for your newsletter by prompting a specific reply.

That reply keyword connects to a tag that places customers interested in the newsletter into a special category. This tag relates to a drip campaign you can set up that’s associated with the newsletter.

TextSanity WordPress Integration

TextSanity’s WordPress integration provides you with a banner, popup, or chatbot that prompts customers to opt-in to receive text message marketing newsletters from your business. 

It’s one of the many tools available in your TextSanity account. It gathers invaluable data about your customers while building your contact list. Data collection is one of the greatest benefits of utilizing the power of SMS marketing and helps you tailor your marketing efforts. 

Getting the right message in front of the right people means less investment of resources while achieving huge returns on investments. Because federal laws require consumers’ consent before you send business text messages via opt-in requests, TextSanity’s WordPress integration is an invaluable resource.

Types of Text Newsletters

There are various types of newsletters with unique purposes. Some of these different types include informational newsletters, promotional newsletters, seasonal newsletters, past customers/clients newsletters, and industry-specific newsletters.

Choosing a text newsletter type that helps you reach your marketing goals is essential.

Which you choose to present to customers is completely up to you, and you’re not limited to just one type. Having a variety of newsletters keeps your content fresh and new.

Send the Message

Choosing the time and date for sending your newsletter relies largely on your company’s understanding of your contacts’ demographics, behavior, and habits. 

Cadence is extremely important for all of your SMS business texting and marketing, not just newsletters. Once you establish tags for contacts who want to receive the newsletter, it’s time for the next steps.

First, associate those tags with drip campaigns. Next, send a series of existing newsletters that are not time and date sensitive. You may also choose to associate newsletters with tags connected to mass text message broadcasts that you scheduled for a specific date and time. 

Clearly, one of these options is entirely dependent on cadence and timing, while the other is not. There are various reasons why you may want to do one or the other, and a lot of that hinges on the type of content or newsletter you send.

The good news is that when you use TextSanity, your options are limitless. Our platform makes setting up SMS text messaging easy.

With TextSanity, setting up a text newsletter is easy.

The Bottom Line

SMS business text messages reach a wider audience than almost any other marketing channel. What’s more, they don’t just reach a wider audience, but a data-driven tailored audience. The personalization of this marketing channel is what makes it valuable to your company.

Sign up today and discover how we help elevate your company’s marketing strategy, reach a wider audience, and help you tailor your marketing efforts — while saving precious time and money.